Educators - Crisis Response Planning 

Developing Reality Based Lockdown Plans for your Campus

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The recent rash of College and University shootings and acts of violence against students is a harsh reminder that higher education must stay vigilant in continuing to review and improve their crisis response plans. Many in the field of higher education believe that any large institution is really not capable of lockdown due to the size of the campuses involved.

Jesus will present his training on lockdown development and implementation in such a way that attendees will believe that any facility, regardless of size, can be locked down as long as all departments, faculty, staff and students work together to make their plan work. Jesus will also discuss the recent shooting events that have taken place nationally and present patterns that lead to victim survival and patterns that lead to serious injuries and/or death.

This reality training will empower the true first responders (those who are immediately exposed to the lethal threat) to select one of the many survival options that will dramatically increase your chances for survival in an Active Lethal Threat event.



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