
Testimonials From clients and students:

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''The feedback after your presentation was overwhelming. You continue to make a positive impact on our educational family. We will be planning more training in the future.''

Richard Basnaw
Leschi Schools, Seattle

''I have been connecting with folks that attended your event last weekend and I understand that you were the HIT of the institute. I know that because I spoke to someone who is usually pretty tough on speakers and he tells me you were fantastic! I want to personally thank you for making our institute a success, and will keep you on our potential speaker list for the future.''

Sheila Teeter
Employment Security Department

''My own experience with your speaking engagements throughout our district prompted me to suggest that my husband and the GM of our family business attend your workshop. Their response was so positive that I wanted to tell you about it.

My husband has been to many seminars, conferences, and workshops. Amongst all of those trainings, your workshop ranked the highest. He immediately communicated the need for this workshop to the GM at his workplace.

We could go on and on, but let me just say that your workshop is a great learning opportunity and we highly recommend it, not only for individual growth, but as a MUST attend for any business hoping to be successful in their field. Thank you!''

Wendy Turner
University Place School District

''Yesterday I attended your Workplace Violence Prevention course, and was so impressed with the class that I just had to let you know. Your presentation skills and interactive personality made the class very enjoyable and extremely insightful.''

Jacque Robinson
PacNW Zone

''Thank you for providing excellent employee training sessions. I was very impressed with the Workplace Violence Prevention training. The speaker was incredibly intelligent and dynamic and gave important reminders as to how we all should treat each other with respect in the workplace. I really believe this session provides a more secure and comfortable workplace. I just want to say thank you for fulfilling necessary employee educational needs in such a wonderful way!''

Kelly McPhail
Financial Pacific Leasing, LLC

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