Educators - Student Assemblies 

Surviving the Active Killer Event

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About the School Assembly Presentation
Length: 1 hour

School Shootings and killings are still occurring all over this country and it is clear that they are not going to go away anytime soon. And with students being the highest victimization rate during these events it is critical that we educate them as realistically as possible to ensure their survival.

Jesus will present L.E.A.S.T. training, Lockdown, Evacuation and Survival Training, to your students in a powerfully engaging one hour assembly! He will discuss with your students what tactics used by other victims in school shootings will lead to a greater probability of life versus the one specific tactic that has a very high incident of death if used. (It should be noted that this fatal tactic is still being taught by many K-12 schools in America today because they don't have the right information!) Jesus will interact with your students during the assembly which keeps them enthralled throughout the assembly and invested in the information presented.

Jesus has received rave reviews throughout the country from students, staff and parents regarding how they feel more empowered with these new tools in their lives. This assembly is a must for any school that wants to provide their students with realistic survival options should an active lethal threat event ever occur around them.

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